Convert Document to PDF in SharePoint using K2

Requirements SharePoint 2010 Server Standard or Enterprise (confirmed, see below) Word Services to be installed, configured and started K2 HostServer K2 for SharePoint Further Information Regarding this Process Document Conversion Services uses Word Automation Services which is part of the standard and enterprise CALs of SharePoint Server. The feature is not available in SharePoint foundation… Continue reading Convert Document to PDF in SharePoint using K2

iOS K2 Task List Settings

So this has been bugging me for ages. Whenever I wanted to switch the server settings in the K2 task list on iOS I assumed there was no easy way from within the app, and there isn’t. So I was forced to remove and re-install the app all together. For some reason I never looked… Continue reading iOS K2 Task List Settings

Categorized as K2

K2 smartforms vs. Microsoft InfoPath

There has been lots of talk recently regarding the future of InfoPath and the gist of it is that SharePoint 2013 workflow will not work with InfoPath for interacting with the workflow events, it seems SharePoint 2013 will now deploy standard aspx pages which can be used to interact with the 2013 workflows. This provide… Continue reading K2 smartforms vs. Microsoft InfoPath

K2 4.6.4 Released

K2 blackpearl 4.6.4 has just been released which includes the following new features and enhancements: SharePoint Copy and Move When moving, copying or updating a document or list item in SharePoint it is now possible to preserve the existing SharePoint document or List Item’s MetaData and version history when using the SharePoint Document Wizard or… Continue reading K2 4.6.4 Released

K2 ServiceObject with File Property

Some code snippets to help FileProperty fpropData = new FileProperty(“FileData”, new MetaData(), String.Empty, String.Empty); fpropData.MetaData.DisplayName = “File Data”; fpropData.MetaData.Description = “File Data”; this.Properties.Add(fpropData); public static object ToFilePropertyValue(string propName, string filename, byte[] content) { return (new FileProperty(propName, new MetaData(), filename, Convert.ToBase64String(content))).Value; } dr[“File”] = Helper.ToFilePropertyValue(“File”, “foobar.dat”, {foobar byte[]});